Marginalia of Faith


Attracted to only the most devout of his servants, Marginalia of Faith hail from unknown reaches of the world. They are known to bring luck and perhaps a little mischievous magic to all whom they follow. They range in appearance from walking books of knowledge to parrots with scorpion tails, no two are ever alike. One thing is clear though, to have one of these creatures following your every move is not a bad idea in the dark times of war.

These are very small files and are designed for resin printers to use a base decorations.


This set includes:

-          12 Marginalia of Faith

All files are available both pre-supported and unsupported for added flexibility. Lychee scenes are also included to tweak supports as needed.

All files are test printed on a Mars 2 Pro using a mix of 90% SirayaTech Navy Grey and 10% SirayaTech Tenacious at .03mm layer height with a 2.8 sec exposure time

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